Secret Brain Hack To Escape The Hamster Wheel Of Failed Relationships

Manifest Your Soulmate With This Groundbreaking Subconscious Programming


A Scientifically Proven, Proprietary Technique For Rapid Results

Remove Mental Blocks Sabotaging Your Love Life And Open The Manifestation Portal To Attract Long-Term Relationships, Commitment & Marriage

Get Bonus Worth   4,999/- Absolutely Free During The Session.

6th & 7th Jan 2024, Saturday & Sunday

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM IST

Program in Hinglish (Hindi/English Language Mix)


WARNING: This is NOT for you if you're not ready to transform your love life

Success Story



“My journey with this program started when I felt stuck in my career and personal life. My relationship was on the rocks, and I was desperate for change. The partner manifestation workshop was a game-changer for me. The techniques taught were not just about attracting love but also about transforming every aspect of life. Fast forward a few weeks, and I’ve not only rekindled the flame in my relationship but also landed my dream job. The program truly works wonders!”

You're Alone, Not Because Of Your Looks, Money Or Status

Here’s The Real Reason Behind Your Relationship Failures
Society has led you to believe you’re alone because of your appearance, wealth, or education.

But if that were the case, why do successful, attractive, and wealthy people suffer through failed relationships

You witness it on the news every day: celebrity couples who seemed like a match made in heaven having an ugly breakup.
If everything was perfect, why did their relationships fail? Why are we experiencing a worldwide epidemic of loneliness? 


Before We Reveal The Real Reason, We Want You To Know That Finding Your Soulmate Isn't Luck; It's Science

Soulmates bring a sense of happiness, fulfillment, and love that you can’t find anywhere else.

Without them, you’ll always feel like you’re missing an important piece of your life.

It’s disheartening how most people believe that “luck” is what brings some people true love while leaving others behind.

But you’d be surprised to learn that luck has little to do with why some find their soulmate, get married, and live happily ever after, and others don’t.

The root cause of both failed and blissful relationships is the same.

Let’s uncover it…

Manifest Your Soulmate By Mind Re-Programming Masterclass

Here, we will share exclusive, scientifically proven and proprietary techniques developed by an expert relationship coach and NLP practitioner

In this masterclass, we will not just give you some techniques and say goodbye.

We will guide you through entering the Alpha state and accessing the subconscious mind with professional guidance.

In the Alpha state, you become more receptive to the ideas presented. Therefore, we will guide you to eradicate mental blocks from the core and overcome internal resistance.

Then, we will help you install empowering thoughts aligned with unconditional love and limitless possibilities.

Your mind has the power to shape reality. When we help you visualize images and feel emotions, your subconscious mind cannot differentiate between reality and imagination. It automatically assumes you are experiencing those images in the present moment.

Success Story


Software Developer
bengaluru, karnataka

I was looking forward to marriage but didn’t have any idea how to get someone in my life who was perfectly made for me. In fact, choosing the right partner to do such miracles was a completely unknown fact to me. I’m so glad and thankful to God and the PWC team for the program. I manifested not only my partner, but it feels like I have opened the doors to happiness. I got promoted in my office within 45 days of my engagement. It worked like a miracle in my life.

Become A Love Magnet In Just 3-DAYS



Success Story


professional writer
kolkata, west bengal

“As a career-focused individual, my personal life took a back seat. Loneliness started creeping in, and I knew I needed a change. This partner manifestation program not only brought love into my life but also helped me strike a balance between my career and personal relationships. Today, I’m happily in a relationship, and my career is flourishing. It’s not just about finding a partner; it’s about creating a harmonious life, and this program delivered beyond my expectations.”

Imagine Being With Your Soulmate

Success Story


it professional
jaipur, rajasthan

Struggling with self-doubt and relationship woes, I stumbled upon this partner manifestation program. Skeptical initially, the workshop dismantled my doubts. The techniques were not just wishful thinking; they were practical and effective. Soon, my stagnant career took a positive turn, and my relationship underwent a transformative phase. It’s not just about manifesting a partner; it’s about evolving into the best version of oneself. Today, I’m in a thriving relationship, and my professional life has never been more promising

Who Is This Masterclass For

You have never been in a relationship and want to attract one quickly

You’re tired of feeling lonely and unfulfilled in your love life

You want to get rid of negative limiting beliefs blocking love from your life

You’re going through a breakup and have lost faith in true love

Past heartbreaks have hurt you deeply, but you want to heal and open your heart to love once again

You’re divorced and feeling anxious about dating again

You’re frustrated with online dating, and want to meet The One in real life

You don’t want to let another moment slip by with your soulmate

Success Story


marketing specialist

I was in a relationship with a guy for the last 8 years, but my family was against our relationship. My boyfriend was not doing well in his career, and my parents were having a lot of apprehension about his growth and my future security. I joined this program because it was about bringing abundance through partner manifestation. I attended the workshop, and it was like all my prayers were answered. So whether someone is a conventional or modern-day science-backed believer, you would have no doubts about the efficacy of this program after attending the workshop.Today, finally, my boyfriend has a new job and is in a position to represent himself confidently in front of my parents.


Shailesh Rao

A Little Pre Story...

Shailesh Rao is a true trailblazer in the world of business. His entrepreneurial journey has been characterized by an insatiable appetite for innovation and a relentless pursuit of excellence. With a knack for identifying opportunities in the market, he has successfully launched and led several startups, each leaving an indelible mark in its respective industry.

In recognition of his entrepreneurial acumen and contributions to the startup ecosystem, Shailesh Rao was acclaimed as the “Most Promising Entrepreneur of 2022.” This prestigious award is a testament to his innovative spirit, exceptional leadership, and unwavering commitment to creating a better world through his ventures. His work has been appreciated and published by global news media

Beyond his entrepreneurial endeavors, Shailesh Rao is a dedicated Relationship coach. His journey as a relationship coach has been inspired by a deep understanding of the intricate dynamics of human connections. Recognizing the need for guidance and support in the realm of relationships, he embarked on a mission to make a difference in the lives of singles and couples.

Through extensive research and a profound understanding of human psychology, Shailesh founded Pre Wedding Club. This unique venture has been a lifeline for thousands of individuals and couples in various stages of their journey towards marriage. With his expert guidance, Shailesh has touched countless lives, helping them navigate the complex and often challenging terrain of relationships.

Pre Wedding Club, the brainchild of Shailesh Rao, is more than just an organization; it’s a beacon of hope for those seeking meaningful connections and enduring love. The company boasts a team of phenomenal experts in the field of relationships, who, together, serve as dedicated relationship coaches and Therapist, guiding clients through the ups and downs of their personal lives.

What sets Pre Wedding Club apart from the rest is its unique commitment to making a bold shift in the realm of relationships. we proudly present the brainchild of the visionary Mr. Shailesh Rao – the Energy Union program. Crafted by Mr. Rao himself, this groundbreaking initiative is rooted in clinical hypnosis and has garnered remarkable success in reshaping individuals’ perspectives. Energy Union, a proprietary program designed to fulfill manifestations related to financial, physical, and emotional needs, stands as a testament to Mr. Rao’s innovative approach. Focusing on the collision of energies in relationships, especially in the context of marriage, Energy Union is the exclusive, practical solution that guides singles and couples to manifest their desires under the expert hand-holding of the PWC team.

This unique program don’t leave you on your own with the manifestation technique’s, the specialty lies in handholding and redesigning the mind programming through therapy allowing individuals to manifest not only a soulmate but also abundance in wealth, health, peace, and personal and professional growth. Through scientifically proven and globally approved therapy, Mr. Rao’s work redesigns the workings of the brain, offering tangible results in the pursuit of a fulfilled life. Join us on this transformative journey as we introduce you to the unparalleled expertise of Mr. Shailesh Rao at Pre Wedding Club.

See What People Who Have Attended Are Saying About The Program

The Hidden Reason Why You're Single Or Keep Attracting The Wrong Relationships

You’ve been led to believe that external factors are preventing you from attracting true love.

But as we’ve seen, that’s not the truth.

There must be an internal resistance that is blocking love from entering your life.

What is it?

Since childhood, you’ve been programmed with negative beliefs about yourself and relationships.

You’ve been told you’re not worthy of love, you’ll never find the right person, or that relationships are inherently difficult.

As a result, you develop limiting beliefs such as:


I’m not worthy of love


I’m terrible at relationships


I’ll never find the right person


I’m going to be alone forever


There is no such thing as a soulmate


Most relationships fail anyway

These Flawed Beliefs Are Called Mental Blocks And They Are Not Letting Love Enter Into Your Life​

Mental blocks are deeply ingrained thoughts or beliefs stemming from childhood experiences, societal conditioning, and past relationships.

For instance, interactions with your parents, teachers, and peers, along with societal norms and cultural expectations, shape your perception of what is possible.

These mental blocks are firmly rooted in the subconscious mind.

Your subconscious mind develops in the first 7 years. Early childhood development experts have proven that our brains are in a hypnotic stage during this period. We absorb everything in the environment without filters – including the beliefs, attitudes, habits, and behaviors of our families.

Hence, if you have past memories and negative feelings related to past experiences with love – receiving or not receiving it from your parents, experiencing heartbreaks, feeling abandoned, they are stored in the subconscious mind.

Did You Know Your Mind Is Governed By Another Entity You Know Nothing About

Neuroscientists have proven that most people operate from their conscious mind only 5-10% of their waking hours.

The other 90% of the time, your body is on autopilot, acting based on past experiences and thought patterns stored in the subconscious mind.

In a way, you’re not in control of your mind 90% of the time.

And the predominant thoughts and beliefs in your subconscious mind dictate your physical reality because you attract everything in your life by virtue of your thoughts.

What does this mean for your love life?

Your innermost thoughts and beliefs about love and relationships shape your romantic destiny.

Everything traces back to who you are at the core i.e. your subconscious mind.

This is the powerful influence your subconscious mind holds over your love life.

You Act Out Of Your Subconscious Behaviors And Not Conscious Ones

You might consciously desire a soul-nourishing partner.

But if your subconscious mind holds onto the anger, betrayal, and heartache from past negative relationships, you will attract a partner that hurts you.

The reason is, your subconscious mind is like a program, and programs are consistent

If your subconscious mind is attuned to the feelings of heartbreak, loneliness, and sadness, it will attract the same relationship issues over and over again to remain in the familiar reality.

Hence, when your internal dialogue is “finding love is hard,” that’s what you experience in your physical reality. 

If you’re constantly stressed and worried about finding love, you keep manifesting more of that frustration and fear into your life as your subconscious mind is wired for it.

These Mental Blocks In Your Subconscious Mind Shape Your Physical Reality, And Most Probably You’re Not Even Aware Of Them

Mental blocks operate silently, like a hidden program, directing your thoughts, actions, and ultimately, your love life.

They shape your experiences and hinder your chances of finding your special someone.

This is where you most likely are right now.


Getting Rid Of The Mental Blocks From The Root Is The Key To Ending Your Relationship Struggles And Finding Your Soulmate

If you want miracles to unfold in your love life, you need to get rid of the mental blocks from their roots i.e. the subconscious mind, and install new positive beliefs.

To achieve this, you need to reprogram your subconscious mind so it operates from a place of love and worthiness, not fear and heartbreak.

By reprogramming your subconscious mind you can change your so-called “luck” and manifest your soulmate.

With this, you won’t even have to chase true love, you will attract it effortlessly.

Here’s The Catch: You’ve Tried Everything. Affirmations, Visualization, Law Of Attraction, But Nothing Seems To Work For You

You’ve tried everything to attract your dream partner: affirmations, visualization, and even tarot readings. Yet, nothing has worked for you, and you’re beginning to wonder if you’re the problem.

You are not…Here’s why:

YouTube videos, books, and coaches often claim you can manifest anything in life and provide you with specific techniques.

You need to implement them on your own.

What these manifestation gurus don’t tell you is that reprogramming your subconscious mind on your own is incredibly difficult, and most people fail at it.

This is because you’ve been conditioned in a certain way since childhood.

You cannot change your deep-rooted identity overnight, especially when you lack the technical knowledge of reprogramming your subconscious mind.

Before You Say It, We Know What's Going On In Your Mind

We know you must be thinking, “Yet another manifestation masterclass!” We don’t blame you. This space is full of people trying to make a quick buck.

It’s your call, but we assure you we won’t give you 5 affirmations to repeat three times a day and claim all your problems will disappear.

We will share a dynamic manifestation technique with scientific backing.

What You Will Learn In This Masterclass

Manifest a deep and perfect relationship with your soulmate

Gain clarity about your soulmate and the kind of relationship you want

Get rid of negative limiting beliefs around love

Deepen self-love and know your self-worth

Release fear around love and let go of past relationship baggage

Attract abundance of health, money, and success

Take full control over your love life and align your frequency with your soulmate

Connect with like-minded people who share your desire of manifesting one’s soulmate

Success Story

rohit choudhary

stock trader
chandigarh, haryana

“Relationships and career struggles were taking a toll on me. Heard about this partner program, and honestly, I was skeptical. But the workshop was down-to-earth, and the techniques made sense. It’s not about complex theories; it’s about making small changes every day. My relationship is in a better place, and I’ve found new opportunities at work. No hocus-pocus, just genuine improvement. Happy I took the leap.”

Success Story

nisha reddy

event planner
hyderabad, telangana

Honestly, I attended so many manifestation programs before, but somehow they didn’t work for me. I was always in a dilemma. After attending this holistic program, I was totally happy, as it answered all my queries. Since I have attended so many manifestation programs earlier, I know the majority of participants do not get results as they don’t know how to practically get results. This is the only program that actually helps you reprogram your subconscious mind through therapy. The way they align the energy of two people is really something to experience. Without exception, anyone who is looking forward to marriage and also wants to see unlimited growth in life should opt for this program.

There Are Two Paths Ahead Of You The One You Choose Will Define Your Love Life


Close this window and walk away

Know this: You didn't land on this page by accident. The Universe is guiding you towards your soulmate.

Choose to ignore the calling and go your own way. You might even find someone, but it'll take longer, with no guarantee they are your soulmate.


Join This Masterclass

Get professional guidance and transform your love life rapidly.

The choice is yours.

Don't Get Married To Just Anyone, Get Married To Your Soulmate

Marriage is something that will happen eventually. There’s no doubt about it.

But the question is, do you want to get married to just anyone or your soulmate?

If you want to settle for less than your soulmate, go ahead and close this page.

Just remember, a wrong partner can destroy your life.But if you desire to be with your soulmate, I’m here to show you it’s not just about luck.


Frequently Asked Questions

Manifestation is basically all about self help. In any other class you would only learn techniques which you need to implement on your own. Basically it teaches you to change your thought patterns. Practically it is very difficult and as a matter of fact obviously 80℅ people don’t get results. This masterclass is not only for teaching theory , the coach being the expert of Mind programming will live teach you the difference and will practically reprogram your mind on certain aspects.

Its a 2-day workshop. It will start on January 6th, Saturday from 7:30 PM onwards, however the end time is difficult to predict as this program reveals lot of scientific sub conscious mind working detail.

Yes. In fact, you don’t need to have any prior knowledge to take this program. I will teach you everything you need to know in a super straight forward way. All you need to do is to stay open and commit to your manifestation routine.

Yes. This program will work for you. Many clients have used this program to manifest their ex back.

Yes. No circumstances can keep you away from your specific person, including distance. This program will help you manifest your person even if you live far away from them

Yes. You can still manifest your special person even if they have blocked you. Nothing is permanent unless you let it be.

Yes! While you may not have a specific person in mind, I’m sure you have specific qualities and traits you’re looking for in your ideal person. This program will help you attract your ideal person in 3 days.

Pre Wedding Club is a dedicated platform for couple relationship.We run a unique proprietary program called Energy union for people in different stages of Married life starting from the point when they are singles.

This program has been developed by the Coach Mr Shailesh Rao and it reveals the secret behind the soul mate and abundance in life.

Basically program is about understanding the dynamics of Mind. We run different Holistic ,scientific and result oriented program for different needs of humanlife including Money ,Career growth, Health, in different stages of couple relationship.

In this particular program the coach will reveal how you could overcome any limitations and bring abundance in your life but focus would be on soul mate manifestation.

Pre Wedding Club is a dedicated platform for couple relationship management and your coach is a renowned Entrepreneur , relationship coach and Hypnotherapist with 17+ years of experience. There is no other institutution or coach known to us who is conducting a energy union program for creating abundance in life.

What You’ll Gain From This Masterclass

This masterclass will help you

What You Get In This Masterclass

Invest in making relationships better.

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